Naval Open Source INTelligence: The Pentagon Is Considering Redeploying Nuclear Mi...: The Pentagon is considering the re-deployment of nuclear cruise missiles in Europe in response to a new Russian cruise missile that the Unit...
Mind you with London it might be a good idea.
Never trust a UKpc serf to build anything more complex than a bowler hat.
RBS computer failure.
London air travellers fucked Dec 12th 2014
Ukplc claims it invented the computer. My ERSE!!!
Mind you it can rape children on an industrial scale, is a centre for slavery and shelters thieves, war criminals and murderers!!!
What a shit house!!!
Friday, 12 December 2014
Monday, 8 December 2014
Billion Pound Poppy Appeal Dead
Eric Palmer blog: Camp Bastion over-run by enemy: British strip Camp Bastion bare before they leave. Good I say. THE British army stripped its biggest military camp in Afghanistan so ba...
All the drug running bankusurers in London, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and all points east will be happy in the well fed mansions and well decked halls.
Enjoy the food banks UKplc.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Which bit of professional wrestling does….
…Terroresa Gworrgeous George May not get?
The country is a ballbusting terror alert and yet all the
civil power can do is fuck the country over down War-Mart for Schwartz Frigtag?
How come all the tech simply makes it easier for terrorists
to use UKplc as an R&R base?
Pimp my ISIS. Bling my
ISIL. Tart my RCE/TA Donmeh
Ukranian Wall St Mart.
Go get to Mecca you slant eyed bingo bitchboys of the Fuerzes Especiales.
The Real IRA are here.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
You know how I like a good map.
Religionen in JEWropa – das Gebiet mit dem JEWro (EURO)
24. November 2014
NasiChaim #HoGeSa, #HoGeSa (Hooligans gegen Salafisten), 9. November 2014, Euro,Europa, Religionen Der Spiegel, Deutschland, Europa, Europe, European Union,Paulskirchenverfassung, Religionen, Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland 3 Kommentare

im Jahre 2020. Statt des Reichstages steht nun die Zentralmoschee der Muslime im jüdisch regierten Deutschland in der vormaligen Reichshauptstadt Berlin, gesteuert vom Verfassungsschutz Berlin. Präsident der Homosexuelle, vormals Regierende Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit!

Religionen in JEWropa – das Gebiet mit dem JEWro (EURO)
Europa im Jahre 2020.
Statt des Reichstages steht nun die Zentralmoschee der Muslime im jüdisch regierten Deutschland in der vormaligen Reichshauptstadt Berlin, gesteuert vom Verfassungsschutz Berlin. Präsident der Homosexuelle, vormals Regierende Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit!
Abseits des offenkundig in den Hintergrund getretenen Einflusses der christlichen Hauptreligionen wie Romkirche und Kirchen der Reformation hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten überall in JEWropa (EUROPA
) der Islam installiert. Die Muslime haben überall Moscheen errichtet, zunächst dezent. Doch zunehmend mit Großbauten.

Der nächste Schritt besteht in der Verwirklichung des Scharia-Staates.
Der traditionelle DEUTSCH versteht das nicht, sondern trötet voll auf der Integrationsschiene.

Richtig an der Propaganda der Allierten gegenüber den DISARMED ENEMY FORCES (DEF) – sie haben die Nachrkiegsordnung 1945 installiert.
neue Stoßrichtung erstreckt sich – nachdem die traditionelle Bevökerung an Europäer im alten Nazi-Deutschland zwangseingewöhnt wurde – auf die massenhaften Importe von Bootsflüchtlingen, die über Italien eingeschleust werden. Selbstverständlich unter großen Protesten der italienischen Mafiaregierung. Diese zahlt diesen Negern dann etwa 500 JEWRO Begrüßungsgeld aus mit der Eingliederungsvereinbarung (wie JOBCENTER), daß diese Neger in die BRD weiterzureisen haben.

Nach wie vor kassiert nämlich das faschistische Italien Reparationszahlungen ein von Nazi-Merkel für die Leistungen, die Führer und Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler gegenüber Mafiaitalien erbracht hat. Und das als Achsenmacht, repräsentiert durch den DUCE Mussolini.

Propagandabild des Erich Schmidt Verlags mit FALSCHINFORMATIONEN. So wird hier behauptet, am 8. Mai 1945 habe das Deutsche Reich kapituliert, was die Sollbruchlüge darstellt. Weder hat das Deutsche Reich kapituliert, noch hat die Wehrmacht kapituliert. Dafür können die Alliierte nur Fälschungen vorlegen, die den Anschein erwecken sollen, authentische FIGUREN
hätten hier staatsrechtlich wirksame Erklärungen abgegeben.

Fehler der Reichsbürgerbewegungen
- Die Aufgewachten unter den Dummköpfen wollen mit der üblen deutschen Geschichte vom Jahre 1933 bis zum Jahre 1945 NATÜRLICH
auf arktischem Abstand bleiben – und haben daher mit Auschwitz nichts zu tun. Auf keinen Fall möchten Sie irgendeine persönliche Verantwortung für die als Offenkundigkeit in Anschlag gebrachte Vergasung von 6 Millionen Juden in Auschwitz etwas zu tun haben. Soweit, so gut. Schlecht dabei – sie greifen nach der nächsten, halbwegs einleuchtend (siehe Leuchter-Report) wirkenden Reichsbürgerbewegung vom Schlage des Verfassungsschutz-Honigtopfes DER HONIGMANN SAGT… und kommentieren fleißig und erscheinen sogar bei den suspekten HONIGMANN-TREFFEN. – Wer allerdings voll der guten Erwartungen erwartet, daß in diesem Sammelsurium des Verfassungsschutzagenten Erwin Köwing die Volksbefreiung nach vorne gebracht wird – der wird sein Blaues Wunder erleben.
- Die Reichsbürger veröffentlichen und VERBREITEN damit ihre Erkenntnisse unter ihrem Klarnamen und unter ihrer Klaradresse im weltweiten Netz. Damit unterliegen sie dem GELTENDEN RECHT der SHAEFgesellschaft BRD. In der Regel braucht der Kriminalhauptkommissar und die Kriminaloberkommissarin auf dem Sprung in den Mutterschaftsurlaub nur noch wie ein Hecht auf der Lauer liegen und abzuwarten, bis die üblichen Vergehen gegen die BRD begangen werden. Die sogenannte Holocaustleugnung wird in Watte verpackt und der Staatsanwaltschaft in FORM
der Volksverhetzung zum Verfolg angezeigt. Darüber hinaus finden sich schnell Tatbestandsaufnahmen wie Bedrohung von Staatsbeamten, Beamtenbeleidigung, gegebenenfalls Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt (die selbstverständlich keine ist, wie wir alle wissen).

Die vorgetäuschte Flucht und Vertreibung besteht in Wahrheit oftmals in Evakuierungsbefehlen. Das sollte sich jeder “Schlesier” anhand der Befehle von Halunke Hanke in Breslau sowie von Freimaurer General von Pfeil in Oppeln einmal genau anschauen. Tatsächlich handelt es sich bei der Flucht und Vertreibung um die Umsiedlung von Juden aus Osteuropa, die genau wußten, daß Stalin sie ansonsten in die Wohneinrichtungen Sibiriens verfrachten und dort in den Gulags ermorden lassen würden. In der BRD wurden diese Juden sofort mit Wiedergutmachungsleistungen – der sogenannte Lastenausgleich – ausgestattet. Und so konnten sie sofort als Geldjuden wieder neues Vermögen anscheffeln… Die Deutschen aber wurden tatsächlich in den Rheinwiesenlagern dem Seuchentod ausgeliefert. Das ist die Wahrheit, liebe Volksgenossen.
- Die geschichtsbewußt Gebliebenen formieren sich zunehmend in Reichsbürgerbewegungen. Die BRD bezeichnet diese Bewohner des Bundesgebietes zunächst als harmlose Spinner, bei zunehmender Sendestärke gegen die Verwaltungsbeschäftigten dann rasch als Querulanten. In diesem Übergangsstadium wird bereits die Abwehr durch den Staatsschutz (im örtlichen Polizeipräsidium als Kriminalkommissariat Staatsschutz angesiedelt) angestoßen, und die Zielpersonen unterliegen nunmehr der Überwachung.
- Ohne Zweifel beruht der tatsächliche Erfolg der HONIGMANN-TREFFEN darauf, daß mit einem wirren Sammelsurium aus Verschwörungstheorien, GERMANISCHEM
Heilwissen, Aufklärungsarbeit über die Machenschaften der NEW WORLD ORDER eine diffuse Menge an Menschen angezogen – und zugleich neutralisiert wird. Denn diese Menschen verbindet nur die Neugierde. Ansonsten zeigen sie eine zu große Varianz und auch Unwissenheit in vielen Themen. Zu 90% handelt es sich tatsächlich um harmlose Spinner, Träumer, ziellose Weltverbesserer im Kampf gegen Chemtrails, HAARP, Impfadjuvantien wie Aluminiumhydroxid. Das alles ist richtig, aber eben überwiegend falsch.
- Der eingebaute oder eingewebte Hauptfehler des Mitarbeiters vom BUNDESNACHRICHTENDIENST Ernst Köwing besteht darin, daß er die sinnlose, nie wirksam gewordene Paulskirchenverfassung als die einzig gültige Verfassung des Deutschen Volkes propagiert, zusammen mit einem abstrusen Konkludentenvertrag und “Amtswaltern”. Damit wird dem Geltungsbedürfnis überdrehter Gestalten wie Reichsbürger FRANK
Wolfgang Richter, wie der Name bereits andeutet: ein Bewohner jüdischen Glaubens, Rechnung getragen. Sie können nun stolz den HONIGMANN-PERSONALAUSWEIS vorzeigen mit der AMTSBEZEICHNUNG Amtswalter. Toll.
- Die gesamte Reichsbürgerbewegung übersieht, daß Deutschland als Gebiet weiterhin das Alliierte Kontrollgebiet ist, welches über die Satrapen MerKILL und Kollegen in Schach gehalten und abkassiert wird. Und das als Melkkuh für das jüdische EUROPA
. Das alles ist weder neu, noch aufregend, noch eine Sensation. Das alles haben nämlich die Aliierten in Potsdam beschlossen – auf dem Sitz des letzten Kaisers des Deutschen Reichs, der Potsdamer Konferenz im Jahre 1945.
- Alle Staaten Europas werden in diesem Schmelztiegel EUROPA
aufgelöst wie Zuckerwürfel im Wasser. Wer das nicht begreift, begreift eben auch nicht den neu gefaßten Artikel 23 der Besatzungsordnung Grundgesetz FÜR die BRD. Da steht das bereits drin, daß der Bundestag gar keine Macht mehr hat, sondern nur noch angehört werden kann von der Bundeskanzlerin, die allerdings selbst nur eine Vollstreckerin der Judenmacht JEWROPA ist. Am besten eben in Gestalt eines Juden oder einer Jüdin selbst, und in der Hinsicht stellt die Jüdin Angela Merkel den Hauptgewinn für die Juden dar, die sie für ihre Verdienste zur Weltherrschaft des Weltjudentums am 22. Mai 2013 dann auch mit dem Lord Jakobwitz-Preis ausgezeichnet haben. in der Großen Synagoge von Brüssel.
Well one is kunstruck by the hermetic nature of the US controlzone.
RCE/LC kept RCE/MCircus out of the Atlantic (Copenhagen was not that long ago) and RCE/NY away from the Med.
Anyway this makes one chuckle.
Terroresa May or may not but one thing ISIS certain about the binbag wearing clothes nag windbag it speaks with forked tongue. If in any other business one had stolen money from the population to fund an activity and that activity was shown to be a demonstrable waste of space then one would expect a good booting from the stahltoekappers to be administered to the masonic genitalia of whomever was involved. Pishflaps and gooseberries would be flying everywhere would they not? However the UKplc meatdroids low gently on their shopping trollies in their skidmarkedup trollies and stare at nothing.
I remember enquiring about the fratricide stats of P233 at the manufacturers many moons ago. Mind you it was a different age when life expectancy was guaged in minutes and manufacturers of microwave based personal comms didn't care about cancer rates/memory loss in later life.Tsk tsk.
Anyway back to our ChiComm chums. Pour encourage les autres USofA corp has a bitchboy as POTUS. A spineless Alinskyist. So who cares what weapons USofA corp has they will be weilded by PC checklisting nothings, perfumed harem eunuchs.
Meanwhile some geezers who really couldn't give a flying phekk about diversity, other than making sure dead persons are included in the opportunity, are going to deliver ordnance pronto and are parked off your shore. Who's yo daddy?
Oh don't expect a change if John Wayne turns up. His shootin' irons are in hock! Oh and the Pinkerton agents are all..well..rouged.
Lets face it USofA corp you are in your post Sunking moment and unlike UKplc you actually used democratic processes to bring it upon yourselves.
Way to go.
Monday, 17 November 2014
War News Updates: A Picture Says A Thousand Words In International D...
War News Updates: A Picture Says A Thousand Words In International D...: What A Difference A Week Makes In International Diplomacy -- Zero Hedge It is often said that a picture paints a thousand words, so here ar...
It certainly does.
Consider those pictures.
Absolutely everyone of those meat puppets cannot run a cold water tap without permission from their bosses. So what the phukk do you think they are doing for us? They demonstrably are incapable of grasping the simple concept of that they are inhabiting an all encapsulating crime scene and that they are accessories to a massive atrocity.
Ask them to explain anything without their programming causing them constant Turing fail. Go on.
Every picture paints a thousand words.
You wouldn't trust anyone of these clowns to safely raise a tomato plant so why give them something inportant to do like ensure our wellbeing?
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
War News Updates: U.K. Ministry Of Defense Is Warning Top Officials ...
War News Updates: U.K. Ministry Of Defense Is Warning Top Officials ...: RIA Novosti/Evgeny Biyatov Don't Have Sex With Beautiful Young Women, MoD Warns Senior Officials Before Postings To Russia And Chi...
Reminds me of the old cold war joke about the British business geezer going to Moscow and being warned by the UK spooks before departure about the dangers he'd face from the honey traps.
Anyway he had a great time and when debriefed upon return his FO handler despaired, then he quipped "It's OK I put my duty free bag over my head!" Boom boom.
Thursday, 6 November 2014
BWAHAHHAAA..........After Committing A Number Of Sex Crimes, Libyan Ca...
UKplc. What a shithouse!!!
War News Updates: After Committing A Number Of Sex Crimes, Libyan Ca...: Bassingbourn Barracks. Cambridge News Libyan Troops Flown Home As Cameron Scraps UK Training Camp -- The Guardian Camp was intended to tra...
UKplc; world centre for terrorism, theft, warcriminals, spying at the command of banksterwankster anarchists and a population of meat droids that couldn't think their way out of an inflated ponzi crime scene.
What a canker on the face of humanity.
In fact it isn't even a shit house. It is a jaffa transit camp temporarily occupied by rapidly rotated slaves in a just in time getaway car crash grand larceny.
Nophekkingshit Shylock!!!!
Naval Open Source INTelligence: US Pilot: Thanks To Espionage, Chinese Stealth Fig...: China is set to debut its new Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter at the Zhuihai international airshow next week. Although the fighter's exact...
Monday, 3 November 2014
Stupidfuckingquestionsof thecentury Presents.....
War News Updates: How Did The Islamists In Syria Receive Advanced Am...: Islamist Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra members pose on a tank in northern Idlib province(Reuters) How Did Islamists Receive Ameri...
We made sure they got them; phukkedwitz!!!
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Creepziod Alert!
!!! The one-world religion is getting closer: Pope recognizes evolutionary theory !!!
Posted by Arcturus

Suppose you wanted to create a religion that almost everyone loves - how would you proceed? Perhaps you would adjust your beliefs so that he is more agreement in a modern world that is changing at a breathtaking pace. Maybe you would suggest you might imagine, with hot iron such as gay rights to move more towards "mainstream".
Perhaps you would also invite religious leaders from around the world and make it clear that you keep all these religions also credible. And what's with all this "non-scientific stuff" that God created the world in six days and created mankind from dust? Well, which is you have to say goodbye well.
All of that is vaguely familiar? This is because it is exactly what Pope Francis has done.
To say that Pope Francis was an extremely popular pope would still greatly understated.Worldwide showered him the media with praise when he replied to a question about homosexuality: "Who am I to judge homosexuals" Since he has been in office, he is visited by an endless stream of religious dignitaries from all over the world and they all seem only good things about him to have to say.
Even most Muslims seem to love this Pope. Francis made this year for a first in the history of the Church, as he Islamic prayers and Koran readings allowed in the Vatican. When it comes to PR, this pope seems to have a kind of sixth sense for it to always do the right thing. He seems to be well on its way to becoming one of the most popular popes ever.
This week, Pope Francis worldwide headlines again, because he publicly acknowledged the big bang and evolution. Here are some of his statements, which are quoted in the press around the world :
"When we read in Genesis the creation account, we could hit upon the idea that God is some kind of magician with a magic wand in his hands, crying all the life. But it is not. ""Today's popular Big Bang theory does not contradict any intervention of the Creator, but it demands it.""The evolution in the nature does not collides with the idea of creation, because evolution downright creation of living beings presupposes that then evolve!"
The Catholic Church has taken these theories eagerly, but that's not all: Some prominent Catholic theologians now condemn the idea of a "young earth" and the idea that God created man in a single day. Such ideas were "almost blasphemous theology" , the director of the Vatican Observatory says:
Read more ..:
Thursday, 30 October 2014
prudent investor newsletters: Alan Greenspan: QE Failed the Real Economy, Unwind...
prudent investor newsletters: Alan Greenspan: QE Failed the Real Economy, Unwind...: As the US Federal Reserve officially “concluded” its QE 3.0 program this month, former Fed chief Alan Greenspan has been quoted by the Wal...
Maestro my arse!!! How come these larcenousYahweist clowns always talk shit and the integral of their whole lives is nothing. Spouting shit all day everyday.
Turing fails; the lot!
They really are a zero sum game.
What do you call a collection of Criminal Creeps?
Maestro my arse!!! How come these larcenousYahweist clowns always talk shit and the integral of their whole lives is nothing. Spouting shit all day everyday.
Turing fails; the lot!
They really are a zero sum game.
What do you call a collection of Criminal Creeps?
A Fed.
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
The Vatic Project: Dead Banksters & China’s 30,000 Tons Of Gold — Ala...
The Vatic Project: Dead Banksters & China’s 30,000 Tons Of Gold — Ala...: ***Fundraising status: We still have a balance on our deficit of $103 which is still quite a bit for us, especially now that we are runni...
Monday, 27 October 2014
Luverly, luverly, luverly.
One of the interesting ways of viewing total war is as the
ultimate market clearing mechanism. However this is a view espoused by fools
who actually believe there is such a thing as money, free trade and markets.
When one realises that these are simply the manifestations of a genetic
imperative made manifest through humanities’ random instructed walks then a
deeper fundamentalism is needed to place the coincidal actions witnessed and
the passive homicidal beliefs, sensible.
TotalWar24/7 as a mental emetic and spiritual prophylactic
is a much more accurate description I’d say of awareness as witness.
A couple of good reads for today whilst the believer based
theoconomy swallows all into the irrational halls of theotre.
@Cannon. Gary Webb, redux: The press controllers
“3. The conspiracy entertainment complex. (That useful
term was coined by the proprietor of Rigorous Intuition.) The Clown-King of
this surreal realm is, of course, Alex Jones. We're talking about an
infuriating gaggle of high-decibel screwballs and bleary-eyed
Illuminati-spotters who think that they're the hippest of the hip, even though
they unwittingly serve as faithful functionaries of the American intelligence
establishment. The conspiracy entertainment complex exists to bring discredit
to anyone who questions the worldview presented by the mainstream media and the
Fox Newsers.”
@Moore. Mind control: Orwell, Huxley, and
Today’s Reality
“The real purpose behind the cult is revealed in a press
release on the movement website, entitled,
‘The Zeitgeist Movement defined: realizing a new train of
thought’. Here Joseph expands the gospel, going beyond ‘revealing the truth’,
and venturing into envisioning the transformed world that the movement aims to
help create. Here are three key points from Prophet Joseph’s vision, with
emphasis added:
2): The Scientific Worldview: The essay explores how
the development of the scientific method has altered human perception and
the critical importance of its recognition and larger order
application, specifically with respect to the social system.
(5): The Case for Human Unity: This essay explores the
reasoning for a unified global society along with tracing the
source of national divisions and propensities for conflict. A relevant point is
made regarding the advancement of technological warfare and how the
dangers of keeping biased economic boundaries as we have could lead to
rapid destruction as time moves forward.
(9): Market Efficiency vs Technical Efficiency: This essay
argues the difference between true scientific (or technical) efficiency
and the business practice of “market efficiency,”
showing how the latter actually works against true
economic optimization.”
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Naval Open Source INTelligence: Embraer rolls out KC-390 military airlift
Naval Open Source INTelligence: Embraer rolls out KC-390 military airlift: Today Embraer rolled out the first prototype of the KC-390 military transport from the production hangar at the industrial plant of Gavião ...
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Secret USAF Space Plane X-37B To Touch-Down After ...
MIRAGEC14: Secret USAF Space Plane X-37B To Touch-Down After ...: The US Air Force is preparing to land X-37B, that has spent a record 665 consecutive days in space. Its real purpose is a complete mystery, ...
Aww come on lads couldn't you have kept the eviloid machine of spiritual death up there one more day!!!!?
Has anyone checked on outbreaks of barbarity and murder CHEKA/Messiah stylee under its orbital cloven footprint?
Aww come on lads couldn't you have kept the eviloid machine of spiritual death up there one more day!!!!?
Has anyone checked on outbreaks of barbarity and murder CHEKA/Messiah stylee under its orbital cloven footprint?
Friday, 10 October 2014
Miss Marple at the COMINTERN
If you caught the item I banged over at the other shop
courtesy of the tap, then I hope you caught a priceless
tell. I meant to comment on it when I first cast my peepers upon the video a
while back but as usual other things like epiDNA, false currencies, hyper
viscous megaliths and aircraft carriers got in the way.
Watch as Bill Maloney approaches the Liberal leader Nick the
CoproMaoistMupplaything Clegg after 2:26 Savile and the 9th Circle ( Must See )
Russell Burton. Concentrate on the bit players and support democratic actors. By 2:45 the most amazing collection of faces is revealed. Freeze and consider.
Russell Burton. Concentrate on the bit players and support democratic actors. By 2:45 the most amazing collection of faces is revealed. Freeze and consider.
Where would one have seen this type of dead panning before?
Well there would be no witnesses left to such an event but
imagine if Bakunin had stomped into a COMINTERN meeting shouting “Oi, oi, you! LenStahlTrotwhaatzyertalmudname!
You’re a bunch of Rothschild bankster boybitches. Yaa murdering kaants!” The
looks on the party apparatchicks and the brothelchicks faces surrounding the
call out would have been exactly the same as that on display that fine day
Maloney called the Liberals a bunch of paedotrolls.
Thoughts such as “Oh shit why me!” and “What the fuck do I
do now? Is it a test?” and “Beam me up Marxy.” Can be seen registering on the
vacant lot visages.
And there we have the tell. Did they not pay attention when
getting groomed and coached by their foundation paid-off media handlers in the
indoctrination camps? Did the Liberals not get round to teaching their lap dogs
and bitches how to act like normal people? Did they not get the long memo about
how to deal with real life situations and handling the public? No wonder the
Iberian hand up Cleggs ass spends so much time in Beijing confabing in secret intellectual
property meetings CommieCongresstylleee. She will never have to deal with real
world situations, ever.
Look around that still frame. Ignore Malone and Clegg for
the moment. Watch the big MercCHEKA (Applied crowd science to you and me) itching
for a take down signal. Isn’t it nice to know that even today geezers like the
Talmudic leaders of the Soviet Union could
still count on enough of us to kill us without question. Shut us up permanently
when one of us stops staring at the bread and circuses or stops shitting
ourselves in case the tramp up the stair case can be heard at 3am as the
stooges in the long black leather coats come to take us away to a lime filled
pit. Or in the USofA corp case a rendering plant, there to be turned into
burgers and sausages. No wonder TesMorSanWalfart are shitting themselves in
case we find out what the D notices are covering up.
Any good Agatha Christie detective would make known as the
composite upperlip netted spinster brought the suspects from down the ages into
the drawing room’s flickering candle light. “Why are you mentally unhinged money
worshipping Kackyahwehistkaantkunts aka KKK, always at the scene of the crime
faking amnaesia all innocent blooddrippingfrom your minds stylee? Always knee
deep in gore dipped lucre. Don’t you remember the gold murders? Spanish
inquisition? Irish famine? Donmeh? Young Turks? Armenian genocide? Ukranian
genocide? Holodomor? German destruction? Cultural revolution? Gaza ? Iraq/ISIS? Syriah? Why are you too
stupid to think for yourselves for once? Same MO, same faces, same fictional
cover story, same bullshit. Time after time after time.”
Any way I do hope you find time to watch those two videos.
They sinc with an item Thomas Sheridan posted recently.
I concur with TS’s linkage of Sutcliffe and Savile however I
would add Shipman to that mix. What is it about Engeltown that makes it a
sewer? The stink is so bad that no one needs evidence anymore.
We can now act dimensionless.
I do promise to get over to the other shop and continue the
dimensionless crap. I will be honest, you are not going to like what I have to
say. CYah there then.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
the tap: Secret societies. Secret cabinet committees. Sec...
the tap: Secret societies. Secret cabinet committees. Sec...: This is Duncan Campbell's shocking BBC video documentary series Secret Society (1987) which shows the never broadcasted episodes on se...
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Soviets intend banging you up if you think wrong! the tap: NHS plans to operate mental health teams from insi...
the tap: NHS plans to operate mental health teams from insi...: Theresa May - Privatising The Police, Alienating Them From Public Accountability There is no need to look any further than Westm...
Monday, 6 October 2014
On International Thievery by RCEGovernment Instrumentality
I did mention a little while back
that one could piece together the Xhinkslanteyedslaver’s new
transport bird by checking out any NATO flight line at a paradrop ex.
By itself, the massive plane could extend the reach of China ’s
military into the deep west of the country, or far south and east onto disputed
islands. Taken in a broader context, China plans to both export and
create variants of the Y-20, which could include Chinese models of some of the
most feared aircraft on the modern battlefield.
The roots of the Y-20 begin like many other Chinese military
It begins with an aerospace engineer by the name of Dongfan
“Greg” Chung. The 75-year-old man from Orange County
was sentenced to 24 years and five months in prison in September 2011 for
spying on behalf of the Chinese regime.
Chung stole
more than 250,000 documents from Boeing and Rockwell, which he
supplied to China .
Among them were designs he stole in 2006 of the C-17 Globemaster III, which is
a Boeing freighter that China ’s
new Y-20 bears a striking resemblance to.
The Y-20 seems to have pulled from other designs as well. A
2011 aviation report from IHS Jane’s notes it also likely pulls from designs of
the Ukrainian An-70 and the Russian Il-76 heavy transport planes. Jane’s notes
that Ukraine had sold China designs of similar aircraft, and early
Chinese reports said the Y-20 included parts from Russia ’s heavy freighter.
Development of the Y-20 seems to have picked up steam.
Earlier this month, IHS Jane’s, a global intelligence company, reported that China ’s Y-20
had entered its second phase of testing, after the aircraft made its first
flight on January 26, 2013.
The Y-20′s move into the second phase marks advancements
taking place behind the scenes—if China is following common
definitions. As Jane’s notes, the first phase is on aerodynamic limits and
loading, while the second phase is on “testing the aircraft’s radar, navigation
systems, autopilot, de-icing system, environmental control systems, and
reliability in complex weather conditions.”
The eventual third phase is on exposing the plane to
humidity and extreme temperatures, as well as testing it in high altitudes and
on rough surfaces.
A Question of Logistics
While logistics may seem like a trivial part of a military,
it is actually a major and extremely fundamental capability—and one desperately
needed by the Chinese military if it’s going to pose any significant threat.
As things now stand, logistics is one of the China ’s
military’s most basic flaws on land, sea, and in the air. China is still
heavily reliant on railways to transport military assets over long distances.
In the South China Sea, China has been trying to bridge
these gaps by building airstrips and ports on disputed islands—or by simply
building new islands on top of reefs. On land and in the air, however, China faces a
technological gap, and the Y-20 is their bid to mend this to a degree.
The key phrase behind the Y-20 is “projection of power.” One
of the key draws to the huge freighters is that they can be modified to serve
different purposes. In terms of logistics, they can be used as refueling planes
for jets, or they could be used to transport paratroopers or military
The Y-20 can carry up to 200 tons, enough for China ’s largest
tank, the 58-ton Type-99A2. It can also fly up to 9,400 miles, which according
to the state-run China Daily, “means it is able to reach every place in Eurasia , Alaska , Australia and northern Africa .
Varying Intentions
While logistics may be China ’s most desired uses of the
Y-20, logistics will just be one of the freighter’s roles. China plans to
export the Y-20, and also plans to modify it for several variants—from spy
planes to bombers.
Current writings on the Y-20 in China ’s state-run press typically
only state its uses in transport and “humanitarian relief.” Yet, there have
been sporadic mentions of its other purposes.
“We will develop a number of variants of the Y-20 and we are
definitely going to export them,” said Tang Jun, chairman of Xi’an Aircraft
Industry (Group) Co, a subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corp of China ,
according to the state-run China Daily.
There currently seems to be no mention of the exact types of
variants China
plans for the Y-20. Yet, a few hints can be gained from looking at the Chinese
freighter it will replace, the Y-8.
The Y-8 currently has close to 30 variants, which include
geophysical survey aircraft and a gunship armed with three heavy machine guns
and two heavy cannons.
Gunships are typically used to support special operations
forces by providing close air support. The U.S. AC-130 gunship is one of the
most feared weapons on the modern battlefield.
If China
does replace its Y-8 fleet with the Y-20, it will put a plane in the air with a
much larger payload, and much larger capabilities. The Y-20 also allegedly
outperforms many other aircraft in its class, with Chinese reports claiming
that—unlike Russia’s Il-76—the Y-20 can land at small airports and in
mountainous areas.
“The Y-20 provides Chinese military industry with a homemade
platform for domestic production of aerial-tanker, AWACS, large anti-submarine
patrol aircraft, and large electronic reconnaissance aircraft,” states an
analysis from
Global Security.
It notes there are rumors that China may use the Y-20 to test its
prototype airborne laser weapons, which are similar to the U.S. YAL-1 still
under development. It says “a Chinese laser-armed airplane might be more like
the American Tactical Laser, a C-130 laser gunship.”
A report from China ’s
National Defense University (NDU) called for China ’s Xian Aircraft Corporation
to develop 400 of the Y-20 heavy transports. It notes that the United States has 700 medium and large transport
aircraft, Russia has 800,
and India
has 200. It also states, however, that development on the Y-20 is being held
back by China ’s poor engine
development—a common problem China
faces with current-generation military aircraft.
If you read the Rosetta outing here last, you will know that
Uncle Joe got all knicker twisted when the ghost rockets scared the soon to be
Jihadi States of Scandinavia and Flavia, circa
As if Joe didn’t have enough on his plate hiding the
evidence, with RCE/nylon help and connivance, of his murder scene; the largest
ever in history. I mean Joe may have liked to bounce small children on his knee
but if you were a child of the people he’d been told to kill it was your head
bouncing off the concrete in a holocaust more likely. No iUNCSI for Joe. Oh no
RCE/nylon doesn’t do criminal investigations of its criminals and pet
Well even though the homicidal diversity compliant old
mustacheoed geezer may have been a bit worried if his share of the NSDAP
plunder might have been all ersatzed by the money printers in RCE/Nylon he
should have known that it would all have been handed to him anyway, on a plate,
so the true op. was not aerospace but Gladio infiltration.
Look at the 1930s echoes of the Xhink airlifter story above.
DC2/3 technology was handed to Joe and Tojo on a plate
before the kick off for “scare the shit out of the British experiment
Pavlovbombingstylee pt 2” in 1939. Joe was all expectorant at playing with a
B29 and would have handed his daughters over to Satan to get his hands on one.
How else was he going to deliver his long promised A-Bomb. Uncle Sam wouldn’t
play ball out of Boeing. I mean someone was trying their damndest of course in
USofA corp, but even they couldn’t get a whole B29 shipped out in the diplomatic
Uranium, Thorium, Cadmium etc. did get shipped,
TNT/UPS/FedExstylee of course.
Now get your heads round that.
Everything that you have been told about Manhattan is bollox.
So how did Uncle Sam’s traitors get Joe his bird?
They got it delivered direct. Every Tupolev, Xhink bomber
since, with a diminution over time, has B29 DNA.
B29s ended up landing all conveniently in Soviet controlled territory
whilst out on missions firebombing children in their cradles 1944 stylee. Then
they got reverse engineered.
BTW if you think that only the German workers and scientists
got their shit handed out candeestorestylee to the Victors then what do you
think happened to British workers and scientist’s shit? Of course! Uncles Joe
and Sam got their hands on our goodies Uncle Savile stylee.
Anyway I’m most likely going over to my other place to
continue my thoughts on Dimensionlessness for the rest of the day.
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