Living Euthanesia
What the phukking shit!!!!!!
That is part of the heathenoid education broadcast to
children in this heathendump.
When one has been reduced to the level of a ditch worm,
whale shit or transhumanist transresitor transformer then one will gladly
accept the stinking fish proffered from one’s handlers. Like a good little
penguin atheistsas or sea sick scion sea lion of the amnesian farer of breaking, swelling vomit.
The GGT have been
softly peddling this NOAHide crap for decades and the end result is the Logan’s
Run down the Soylent Green shute.
Not content with destroying everyone’s lives in 2007 by
doing an Ocean’s 14 on savings since 1979, the clowns here in the heathen hive
started to eradicate the aboriginals by digging up the utilities.
Water, gas
and lekky down in the coldest winter last year.
Flush out the abos to make way for the expanding heathen
All disguised by contract law.
Contract law and tort.
The question one needs to require of one’s self is why are
the lignes of one’s life so ancient?
Why should sacrifice of life be so important to the inbred
clowns who never work?
Kill before born.
Kill before dead.
Kill at any opportunity.
Kill before inception.
Kill after conception.
Kill equals debt as intercourse.
Of course.
Troll hunt?
Cunt hunt.
You are all awaiting the Iran burn, vampire.
You are never going
to see the seeds of your loins bloom unless you understand that the
whole show
is a panto.
ChiCommland will be oil independent soon.
Wake up before the GGT and the altMSM amuse you to slit your
And the person’s you are subject to, UKfools, glittering subjects
as objects of falsecitizenhood, dance on your graves again.
Got it yet?