Monday, 29 February 2016
HWW:RI pushes back deadlines after delay on submarine infrastructure
H/T gentleseas blog
RI pushes back deadlines after delay on submarine infrastructure
Don't know about you but the recent revelation from the retarded mentalists who worship black rocks that they have opened up the SAMbox for any and all freaks paid for by US Fed reserve notes to dip into and loose off, makes the shootdown deliberate false flag much more likely. With the very recent mystery aircrashes related to the area we have been prepped.
I read Malaysian, Sumatran, Timorese potential fronts for ISIS to operate under as well as the usual MILF and proxies. As a long shot, excuse the pun, we might even find German ChiComm operators coming out of Singapore.
I don't suppose that anyone has noticed that the most populous "muslim" country has been left out of all the hooplah that is the unnatural mating going on in BRICS.
Anyway it is not looking good.