Wednesday, 4 May 2016
HWW:Pacific Sentinel: Think Tank: SEA 1000 - no veto for Beijing on Aust...
Pacific Sentinel: Think Tank: SEA 1000 - no veto for Beijing on Aust...: Malcolm Davis With the outcome of the long-awaited SEA 1000 Competitive Evaluation Process seeing France’s DCNS announced as the inte...
If we fast forward to the "entry in to service date" and we take the past record being an indicator of future performance metric of western weapon systems delivery, UK SSK/N, F-35, LHX, CdG et al, then we can see a much clearer order of battle circa 2050. Integrating demographics and banking collapse in the preceding 30 years we get...
.....RAN downgraded SSKs reduced to denying access to IN SSNs in the Archipelago. ChiComm SSNs in the blue waters around ANZACland.
By that time it will be over a century since AusNZ was abandoned to the east.
As I noted earlier the US command structure will be a shadow of 1960 and concentrated on the N/S battle in the Americas.