Wednesday, 11 May 2016
HWW:The Pentagon's Intel Chief Already Has Some Advice for the Next US President
What happens when the retarded, damaged, incomplete and mentally disabled are allowed power?
As Surabaya Angie must know by now, especially if she reads here, the main traitors are always the pseuds in the white hats.
The Pentagon's Intel Chief Already Has Some Advice for the Next US President: 'The integration of intelligence of the past 15 years is a journey that is not finished,' said Marcel Lettre, undersecretary of Defense for intelligence.
I mean come on. ALL of these so called security chiefs, leaders, politicos, NGOs and assorted charidees are bought.
I'm just a geezer watching their eye and that 's how I'd do it if I published all the money in the world!
Expect a MAJOR trauma soon to shut everyone up. It will come to the point whereby millions and millions and millions of inconvenient people will have to be killed off. Just like in Europe 1910-1960.
If you know anything, say anything, write anything or in anyway act non compliant, you will be taken care of.