What a classic.
Several things hitting the fan and making me sit up and pay
Gordoom Broon.
Phillipines, one and a half island defence chain.
B.I.S. the Nazi bank, which fronts for the real fascists.
Sherrie; who I first stumbled over when checking out these geezers a couple of years ago. AdamS (WTFAU china?) must have been wandering down a similar path for he put Sherrie
on his side bar around that time. Sherrie the only person to crack the arsebark
that is half past human.
Then one of the geezers turns up in his, obviously
favourite, shirt in Maximum’s shop!
If the realisation that the whole world is an imagined
entity is abroad then soon amnesia will be prescribed by the Lead Pill
All these good things your pixel driven retard has touched
on over the years. Don’t be getting all fretful. Those who drink here, and at
the other swillhouse, know my opinion on the true function of precious metals,
it is purely hyperdimensional temporal. There is no money, no wealth. Just the
unjust choice of the watchers solving their problem.
BTW whichever fan is currently wandering through the
archives here, systematically, day by day, make yourself handled. If you are
that keen you should be advised that my best stuff, current, past and future is
to be found at the other shop.
Love and kisses.