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As I asked a few weeks ago. Where R the Big E and the Jimmy C?
This is a hoot.
“Clearly, the bulk of the enterprise will fall to the USS Enterprise Strike Group, Kearsarge Amphibious Group and the rest of the collection of United States warships and warplanes and warsubmarines just off the shores of Tripoli.
“Clearly, the bulk of the enterprise will fall to the USS Enterprise Strike Group, Kearsarge Amphibious Group and the rest of the collection of United States warships and warplanes and warsubmarines just off the shores of Tripoli.
It is interesting to note that many years ago, Providence was commonly used as a substitute word for God, as in “the hand of Providence”. You can make what you like of that.” I love the use of language there.
Also note that when the French get involved you know there will be a Rothschild double/triple agent nest at work to make sure there is no obvious winner. Think Vietnam Paris peace talks. Everyone will know they are a loser but the winner will not be apparent for many, many years.
Is this the civil power grid going down? BTW CamClegCoagulation where did the money come from for this illegal attack? Are we all in this together as well? Fuck off!!!!
If any of this infrastructure is still up and functioning in two weeks there will be champagne all round in RCE/TA.
This all stinks of 1930s League of Nations sabotage.
Rationing and extreme restrictions on movement cannot be far away. They always close the factories and call centres before a big one.