Friday, 27 May 2016
HWW: A Horrible Day for American Leadership - Defense One
A Horrible Day for American Leadership - Defense One
Six months later and has anything changed?
The war against Spain has not finished.
Do you reckon the Philippines might go all Chanish?
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
HWW:Pacific Sentinel: News Story: Malaysia arrests 14 suspected IS membe...
Pacific Sentinel: News Story: Malaysia arrests 14 suspected IS membe...: Image: Flickr User - AK Rockefeller KUALA LUMPUR, May 21 (Xinhua) -- Malaysian police said Saturday that 14 were arrested across the co...
More grist to the mill. The other two shops have HWW related posts this morning. It all has that Commie smell of 100+years ago. The authorities are only picking up on signs one generation too late because the main players are within the system waiting the switch call from bankster central.
ISIS is a trade mark. Killer clown dupes marketed like Marxist moron murderers an age ago.
You publish as much funny money as you want to grow as many genocidal gangsters as you need for your comfort. Don't you?
Friday, 20 May 2016
HWW:War News Updates: China Is Building Weapons To Wipe-Out U.S. Bases I...
War News Updates: China Is Building Weapons To Wipe-Out U.S. Bases I...: China's road-mobile ICBMs. Chinese Defense Washington Free Beacon : China Building Missiles to Strike Guam Ballistic and cruise ...
I take comfort from the fact that these analsysts, the products of the most advanced technical civilisation's edukayshun, are given license to broadcast in the clear. In fact they swarm like flies around infoturds.
The main propaganda background noise to this hyper littoral war, the biggest one, will iGREEN. So it will be prosecuted in a stealthy unseen robogenocide delivered to the managed iGodpod of the western herd, straight in the magnoramus' hands and heads, so they will have no idea what it was for and what is going on other than that they are justified in whatever it was they were originally fighting to support.
The political setup in USofA will be similar to that extant in Norway 1939, welcoming to aggression disguised as liberation. Oh and POTUS is going to like Vortigern, your 3/4/5 stars like Varus, your forces' intelligence like FHO/MI6/OSS riddled with 5th commulumnists and your politicos all bitchboys and boybitches terrified in case we see the photos.
Get ready.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
HWW:Pacific Sentinel: News Story: India, Pakistan troops violate cease-f...
Pacific Sentinel: News Story: India, Pakistan troops violate cease-f...: SRINAGAR, Indian-controlled Kashmir, May 17 (Xinhua) -- Troops of India and Pakistan violated the cease-fire agreement between them and t...
Check out that Afghan/ChiComm border corridor. That is HOT.
Monday, 16 May 2016
HWW: Remember the 1950s and Quemoy?
War News Updates: China Is Building Weapons To Wipe-Out U.S. Bases I...: China's road-mobile ICBMs. Chinese Defense Washington Free Beacon : China Building Missiles to Strike Guam Ballistic and cruise ...
It is now 60 years since the ChiComms tested how much they could get away with under an assumed USSR strategic supremacy in ICBMs. At the same time their allies in London got to work sabotaging the inconvenient US strategic potential.
Well that was then an this is now.
ChiComm potential vis-à-vis US is now way beyond any need to land on Taiwan, politics will give it to the slavingcommiekreeps.
So once again we would look at the reportage as damping the reality of what we can expect once the ChiComms judge they have neutralised the US nuke umbrella, since RCE/LC agents have long ago neutered the nuke strike threat, and placed bitchboys as POTUS.
Expect politcally acceptable force majeure to be started soon. It will take a long while for the ChiComms to reach any real trip wire in the Pacific.
Saturday, 14 May 2016
HWW: Landing Strip 2040
Don't laugh. Denial of Indian Antarctic access might make this ideal. Think of it as a ChiComm Malta.
"Nevertheless, Madagascar's government is keen to strengthen its ties with China. Military coups in 2002 and 2009 lead to a suspension of direct assistance from the United States and the European Union. China was only too happy to fill the void and, in the years that followed, swiftly became the administration's new economic and political ally, increasing investment and boosting orders for Madagascan products."
Now that is encouragement not chastisement. What is the EUSSR desired outcome here?
" There are soul-humbling mountains, poverty-stricken yet cheerful Madagascans, lemurs and many mainland Chinese. In fact, there are more residents from the mainland than there are lemurs. The island is home to more than 70,000 Chinese, double the figure less than a decade ago."
It would be typical of the average western analyst not to get their heads round the prospect of a global dead zone where nothing western is experienced other than debt servicing at a distance.
Friday, 13 May 2016
HWW:Strategi Militer Indonesia - Informasi Pertahanan dan Keamanan NKRI: Polres Grobogan Amankan Buku Berisi Ajaran Komunis...
Strategi Militer Indonesia - Informasi Pertahanan dan Keamanan NKRI: Polres Grobogan Amankan Buku Berisi Ajaran Komunis...: Sejumlah buku yang diduga berisi ajaran paham komunis diamankan pihak Polres Grobogan, Rabu (11/5/2016) siang. Buku itu disita dari sebuah s...
"A number of books that allegedly contains the teachings of communism
secured by the Police Grobogan, Wednesday (11/05/2016) afternoon.It was confiscated from a supermarket. Police are still deepening, do bon borrow on the book."Google trans
Just like Russia 1905.
HWW: Senang Diri: Avatar shows off helicopter deck at ADMM-Plus mari...
Senang Diri: Avatar shows off helicopter deck at ADMM-Plus mari...: Lily pad: MV Avatar with her improved helicopter deck gives Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) helicopters more options during operat...
There are a shit load of heli platforms and pseudo VSTOL acreage swimming into the HW.
The great big wild card will be the UK mega heli carriers. Based out of the gulf these are ideal for trouble making in the western HW region.
I always reconned that they would be NATO staffed but there is a goodly chance that they might have maritime mercs under the flag. Looked at as nothing more than a great big mobile air base these things could be rented out to expeditionary forces in the immediate area for selected commercial operations. I don't mean sovereign forces either. This is the age of John Company again.
Whatever trouble is planned the area around the UK will not need a RN presence. The kill zone is to be far, far away.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
HWW:SNAFU!: P-1000 Vulkan long-range anti-ship missile via Spu...
I cannot think of anything that proves the world has now entered a great kinderonanotron more than the screeching halt administered to technological conception post 1945.
SNAFU!: P-1000 Vulkan long-range anti-ship missile via Spu...: via Sputnik. Development of the P-1000 Vulkan long-range anti-ship missile began in 1979 and less than a decade later it entered active...
Even the time dithering is 80 years old now.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
HWW:The Pentagon's Intel Chief Already Has Some Advice for the Next US President
What happens when the retarded, damaged, incomplete and mentally disabled are allowed power?
As Surabaya Angie must know by now, especially if she reads here, the main traitors are always the pseuds in the white hats.
The Pentagon's Intel Chief Already Has Some Advice for the Next US President: 'The integration of intelligence of the past 15 years is a journey that is not finished,' said Marcel Lettre, undersecretary of Defense for intelligence.
I mean come on. ALL of these so called security chiefs, leaders, politicos, NGOs and assorted charidees are bought.
I'm just a geezer watching their eye and that 's how I'd do it if I published all the money in the world!
Expect a MAJOR trauma soon to shut everyone up. It will come to the point whereby millions and millions and millions of inconvenient people will have to be killed off. Just like in Europe 1910-1960.
If you know anything, say anything, write anything or in anyway act non compliant, you will be taken care of.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
HWW:Pacific Sentinel: News Story: Xi congratulates Kim Jong Un on electi...
Coming very soon to your SERCOblast.
Pacific Sentinel: News Story: Xi congratulates Kim Jong Un on electi...: BEIJING, May 9 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Monday congratulated...
HWW What goes up... I mentioned at the other shop these heavy mega impulse systems are ideal as area instant strike when their great grand daddy is brought to mind.
SURYA MALAM: S-500 Prometheus 55R6M Triumfator-M, Long Range Ai...: The S-500 "Prometey (Прометей)" ("Prometheus") is the latest Russian surface-to-air missile (mainly Anti-ballistic mis...
SURYA MALAM: S-500 Prometheus 55R6M Triumfator-M, Long Range Ai...: The S-500 "Prometey (Прометей)" ("Prometheus") is the latest Russian surface-to-air missile (mainly Anti-ballistic mis...
Monday, 9 May 2016
HWW:War News Updates: Zimbabwe Braces for Turmoil
War News Updates: Zimbabwe Braces for Turmoil: Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe addresses a speech, on April 18, 2008 during celebrations for the country's independence. Photog...
50+ years after the insertion of ChiComm fuerzes espciales into the region courtesy of London the plan is running nicely.
50+ years after the insertion of ChiComm fuerzes espciales into the region courtesy of London the plan is running nicely.
Friday, 6 May 2016
HWW:HRNK Insider: HRNK Latin America Travelogue: São Paulo, Brazil
HRNK Insider: HRNK Latin America Travelogue: São Paulo, Brazil: Greg Scarlatoiu Executive Director, HRNK From April 17 to 19, I visited São Paulo, Brazil, the first of three South American destinatio...
The preparatory work continues. Never any lack of funds for the missionary work of death.
No cuts ever for the trouble making priest clowns.
The preparatory work continues. Never any lack of funds for the missionary work of death.
No cuts ever for the trouble making priest clowns.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
HWW:Pacific Sentinel: Think Tank: SEA 1000 - no veto for Beijing on Aust...
Pacific Sentinel: Think Tank: SEA 1000 - no veto for Beijing on Aust...: Malcolm Davis With the outcome of the long-awaited SEA 1000 Competitive Evaluation Process seeing France’s DCNS announced as the inte...
If we fast forward to the "entry in to service date" and we take the past record being an indicator of future performance metric of western weapon systems delivery, UK SSK/N, F-35, LHX, CdG et al, then we can see a much clearer order of battle circa 2050. Integrating demographics and banking collapse in the preceding 30 years we get...
.....RAN downgraded SSKs reduced to denying access to IN SSNs in the Archipelago. ChiComm SSNs in the blue waters around ANZACland.
By that time it will be over a century since AusNZ was abandoned to the east.
As I noted earlier the US command structure will be a shadow of 1960 and concentrated on the N/S battle in the Americas.
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