All to prove to you that when you saw you’re nearest and dearest being dragged away by the Lead Pill Pharmacy you were mistaken.
All to sow the seeds of doubt that you know nothing.
All to undermine your self.
All to give you a long rope to hang on.
What a load off phuukin’ arse bark.
In a society of 30 sex attention span and ADHD how are you cognitive phukkwitz going to do anything other than imagine the crime to suite yourselves?
Human memory has been destroyed by the atomist Chicago school economist shitforbrains conartists.
Now we are supposed to fit ourselves up.
And the Lead Pill Pharmacy are being lead a merry dance by our, as I said earlier at GV’s place, “Firstly they will do anything not to have to actually toil and break sweat with the scum they are proselytizing. Oh no they are much too cerebral for work. They like sitting around yakking, smoking pipes, wearing berets and sobbing all over the left banque.” academics!!!
Show trial cannon fodder.